Innovation through
Physics and Engineering
Innovation through Physics and Engineering
A specific individual training program and augmented networking activities will be given to EIPHI PhD students by combining the offers provided by the Doctoral Schools SPIM (Engineering Sciences and Microtechnologies) and Carnot-Pasteur (Maths, Physics and Chemistry).
Each PhD student must follow at least 100 hours of courses during the time of the thesis preparation.
Since these courses are an integral part of the PhD studies, the students prepare this training with their own advisor.
The training courses are distributed into three parts:
– General education including language training for business, scientific culture, professional
Project (about 50 modules are proposed to all PhD students of UBFC);
– Scientific and technical tools (around 20 modules) providing specific training. Content
may be used directly to help the thesis. Scientific courses (around 50 modules) covering
the state of art in the thesis’ field.
– PhD students participate regularly in technical seminars organized by their laboratory and interdisciplinary summer/winter schools organized by the laboratories and national or European networks.
SPIM Doctoral School being a member of the national REDOC SPI association, the PhD students can
also follow the courses given by 25 doctoral schools in France. The Link to the courses proposals is: