Innovation through Physics and Engineering


EIPHI graduate students will access to several technological infrastructures (including cleanrooms) and technical platforms allowing them to carry out many experimental works with high-level scientists.

Clean room microfabrication (MIMENTO, Besançon)

MIMENTO si a national level clean room microfabrication facility of 1400 m2 belonging to the RENATECH national network

–  Nanotechnology (nano-engraving, nano-lithography, etc.),

–  Micromanufacturing (3D structures, piezoelectric materials, hybrid micromechanics)

–  Quartz-tech, industrial production line for piezoelectric micro-nano components

Photonics (ARCEN-PICASSO, Dijon)

–  Photonic components and systems (up to 500GHz bandwidth and 40Gb/s data link test bench)

–  Nanophotonics fabrication and characterization

Laser treatment of materials, metallurgy including powder metallurgy and metallurgy of assemblies such as welding (FLAIR, Dijon)

Fuel cell system platform (SPAC, Belfort)

–  Unique at the national level

–  Study of strategic, clean, and renewable way for electric energy production, aiming to fuel cell testing for diagnostic and prognostic with advanced energy management approaches.

Vapor deposition processes and surface characterization (SURFACE Montbéliard)

he platform SURFACE possesses unique mean of elaboration and characterization on thin layer. It reassembles fifteen specialist of those domain and an experimental parc estimated at 6 million of euro. For the elaboration part, SURFACE has physical deposition in vapor phase reactors (industrial and architectural reactors) as well as surface structures at micro and nanometric scales. It also has mean of deposit in liquid phase and under ultra-vacuum by thermic evaporation and electrospray.

Full-scale tests of fuel cell and electrolyser systems (HYDROGENE-ENERGIE Belfort)

The Hydrogen-Energy platform offers full-scale tests of fuel cell and electrolyser systems, in particular to study the durability of these systems in electric and hybrid vehicle applications and stationary applications. The platform is shared by the FEMTO-ST Energy Department and the FCLAB Research Support Unit.

Compaction and Assembly of MetaLlic Alloys by HIP, an Innovative SOlution (CALHIPSO Dijon)

CALHIPSO is an ambitious project to implement HIP (‘Hot Isostatic Pressing’) technology in the metallurgical industry (aeronautics, defense, nuclear, etc.). This project involves a global approach to experimentation, modeling and simulation that will enable the definition of HIP solutions tailored to industrial needs.

High-performance and specific technical platform (FLUIDIX Belfort)

All the equipment of the FLUIDIX platform, located in Belfort within the Energy Department, is a high-performance and specific technical platform dedicated to the fluidic and thermal characterization of complex flows.

Caractérisation mécanique des matériaux, surfaces et structures en statique, dynamique et acoustique (AMETISTE Besançon)

The AMETISTE platform brings together a large number of equipment for the mechanical characterization of materials, surfaces and structures in a wide range of dimensions and frequencies. It is certified ISO 9001 – AFNOR  for the provision of resources and services to research and industry.

Generate new knowledge in intelligent photonics, while engaging in industrial innovation (SMARTLIGHT Besançon & Dijon)

The project will merge the photonics platforms of ICB and FEMTO-ST into a shared platform open to scientific and industrial communities working in the field of photonics and artificial intelligence. More  SMARTLIGHT is a shared platform between FEMTO-ST and ICB that aims to share cutting-edge scientific equipment between the academic scientific community and industry in the field of photonics and optoelectronics. Supported by UBFC, it is the winner of the EQUIPEX + 2020 call and merges the FRILIGHT and PICASSO platforms. than 120 scientists will develop cutting-edge research in nano-optics, ultrafast photonics, fiber optics, nonlinear photonics, quantum optics and telecommunications.

computaTIonal inTelligence in design and mANufacturing (TITAN Sévenans)

The TITAN platform brings together in one place researchers, engineers, technicians, doctoral students from the ICB Sévenans site, as well as our institutional and industrial partners with the aim of conducting, in close collaboration, innovative and creative research projects whose final objective, in addition to contributions to advances in basic research, is to bring the results as close as possible to industrial players in the sectors concerned.

 Centre de Micro et Nano Robotique (CMNR, Besançon)

CMNR draws on 15 research laboratories and it is structured in 5 thematic sub-networks :
Production robotics, Mobile robotics, Medical robotics, Micro-Nanorobotics, Humanoid Robotics and Natural Interactions

non-destructive testing (NDT) and associated metrology (TOMOXPERT Chalon sur Saone & Auxerre)

TomoXpert is a platform dedicated to non-destructive testing (NDT) and associated metrology, aims to bring together the equipment and skills of different entities of the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UBFC), in order to propose a structured offer, in the areas of training, research, technology transfer or industrial service. The platform provides access to both conventional NDT techniques, the most advanced NDT techniques, in particular tomography (an essential technique for many current industrial and research problems), as well as techniques related to NDT, such as the use of robotic inspection systems or automated fault recognition. Its purpose is to support industrial or university partners in research or development projects and thus generate synergies.

New technologies in mechanical microfabrication, surface functionalisation and hybridisation with clean room processes (MIFHYSTO Besançon)

This centre develops new technologies in mechanical microfabrication, surface functionalisation and hybridisation with clean room processes for producing components with dimensions or characteristic details at the submillimetric scale.

Time & Frequency (FIRST-TF, Besançon)

Building a network of experts, FIRST-TF (Facilities for Innovation, Research, Services, Training in Time & Frequency) supports collaborative projects in Time & Frequency metrology with a broad spectrum of applications, from fundamental physics to satellite-based positioning systems. In the current socio-economical context where synchronization-related problems are omnipresent, encouraging laboratory innovations and ensuring effective technology transfers are of high importance for the network. Finally, the FIRST-TF network coordinates opportunities in teaching as well as tools for lifelong learners, the general public and school audiences on space-time metrology, a fascinating topic at the crossroads of several disciplinary fields.

Around 60 laboratories, companies and technical agencies are now part of the FIRST-TF network, with 5 founding members: SYRTE, FEMTO-ST, LPL, UTINAM, GEOAZUR. These five laboratories devote an important part of their research on time & frequency metrology, but also on developing services destined to professionals (in the industrial or the scientific realm) and to the general society (legal time). FIRST-TF’s partners are engaged both in upstream (R&D) and downstream activities.

Metrological fiber network (REFIMEVE+, Besançon)

Partners : 18 public labs, CNES, RENATER (NREN), IDIL (private company)…
REFIMEVE+ (REseau FIbré MEtrologique à Vocation Européenne+) is based on the technology developed by LPL and SYRTE for the ultra-stable frequency transfer over long-haul fibers on a public network.
–  Oscillator instability measurement platform unique at the national level
–  World class rf ultra-stable oscillators are operated, to investigate fundamental physics or develop the next generation TF references for satellite navigation, high bit rate telecommunication, and synchronized sensor and energy networks.

Oscillator instability measurement platform (OSC IMP, Besançon)

The Oscillator-IMP project targets at being the world-leader facility dedicated to the measurement of noise and short-term stability of oscillators and devices in the whole radio spectrum (from MHz to THz), including microwave photonics, widely available to Agencies, to research institutions and to private companies in the spirit of global competition and economy. The scope spans from routine measurements to the research on new oscillators, components, and measurement methods.

Analysis of proteomes in biology and in the clinic (CLIPP Besançon & Dijon)

Created in 2008 and labeled IBISA in 2016, the CLIPP platform is dedicated to the analysis of proteomes in biology and in the clinic. It offers its expertise in the field of proteomics using know-how in (bio) chemistry, physico-chemistry, nano and micro-engineering, biostatistics and bioinformatics.