Innovation through
Physics and Engineering
Innovation through Physics and Engineering
EIPHI Graduate School brochure | The University of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté provides a new international integrated MSc/PhD program called EIPHI standing for “Engineering and Innovation through Physical Sciences, High-technologies, and cross-dIsciplinary research”. The outstanding students in this graduate school will acquire a solid background in various topics, ranging from fundamental to applied sciences, allowing them to build a successful career in R&D sectors. The program is designed to include hands-on laboratory experience during the Master years in order to strengthen the student’s capability to learn actively, think independently, and work in team. Through the existing close ties to industry, the students will also be exposed to the latest developments in industrial R&D through courses given by industrial partners and internships. EIPHI proposes five research domains in sciences to students and aims at promoting: - Mind opening as required in any scientific or technological innovations in our modern world, through access to the latest scientific knowledge, and through several travel opportunities within a broad international academic network; - Inter-disciplinary abilities for answering to the challenges of transversal and complex projects of your future professional activities; - A strong complementary training in both theory and applications, through immersion in world class academic research groups, access to several high-tech academic platforms, and connections with several technology-based industries; - A human and personalized tutoring framework for each student, in a welcoming, emulating, and tasteful French culture atmosphere. Hervé Maillotte, coordinator of the EIPHI graduate school |