Innovation through
Physics and Engineering
Innovation through Physics and Engineering
Please be aware that the application procedure for the EIPHI Graduate School Master degrees as well as the related tuitions fees depends on your country of origin.
The application opening date depends on the Master Degree and is referred on the online registration platforms.
Depending on your nationality or previous diploma your application will NOT be made on the same platform. The different cases are treated through the Apply webpages but in any cases You will need to upload the following documents :
All application documents are to be translated in French or English (sworn translations only). Translations of official diplomas and transcripts must be issued by your home university or certified by an authorized translator.
You must upload all the required documents when you send your application.
Individual graduate programs may require additional documentation and/or test scores. Contact the program to which you are applying in order to confirm program requirements.
A special attention must be paid to the right spelling of your last name, first name, date of birth and place of residence since all information given will be used to issue your letter of admission.
The “place of birth”, “date of birth”, must be filled in strict accordance with the passport information.
Complete your online application by submitting your documentation, by uploading it at your personal account.
Once you have submitted your online application form and the required documents, your application goes through the following steps:
Admission services check that your application and the supporting documents meet the minimum requirements.
If your application meets the minimum requirements, it will proceed to the academic evaluation as described in the academic regulations of the programme in question.
If you have applied for a scholarship and are eligible, the Scholarship Committee will evaluate your application.
Following the academic assessment, you will receive the reply to your application(s). Check the email you have submitted in the application platform regularly so that you don’t miss the outcome of your application. It takes up to eight weeks after your file is submitted to the pedagogical committee to receive this email. If you are pre-selected, you will be given an online entrance examination which will be held remotely.
If your application is successful, you will receive by e-mail an official scanned acceptance letter to the e-mail address that you have written in your online application.
You have been accepted? Congratulations! Access now to practical information.
A Algeria, Argentina Armenia, Azerbaïdjan | B Bahreïn, Birmanie Bénin, Brésil, Bolivia Burkina Faso, Burundi | C Cambodge, Cameroun, Canada, Central African republic Chili, Chine, Colombie, Comores, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, | D & E Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Dominican Republic Égypte, Equator, Ethiopia | G & H Gabon, Ghana, Guinée, Georgia Haïti, Hong Kong |
I India, Indonesia, Iran, Israël | J & K Japan, Jordania, Kenya, Koweït | L Lebanon | M Madagascar, Malaisia Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco | N, P & Q Nigéria, Népal Pakistan, Peru, Qatar |
R République démocratique du Congo, Russia Rwanda | S Saoudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea | T Taiwan, Tchad, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey | U Ukraine, United Arabs Emirates United kingdom United States, | V Vietnam |
EIPHI Master and PhD degrees are offered on 3 different campus (Belfort/Monbéliard, Besançon, Dijon).
Belfort/Monbéliard | Besançon | Dijon |
Master Electrical ENERGY Master Thermal ENERGY Master IoT | Master E-Phot Master CompuPhys Master Advanced Mathematics Master Smart Mechanics Master ELISE Master ARMAC | Master MATH4PHYS Master PPN Master CDM Master T²MC Master VIBOT/MAIA |
For all campuses, the on campus accomodations are described there :
The website is in French, but student accepted in one of the EIPHI Graduate School Master Degree will obtain automatically a room if he asks for it. All the registration procedure will be done by our International Relation Department.