Innovation through Physics and Engineering

Control and Durability of Materials

Master in Control and Durability of Materials

The program is aimed at teaching the foundations of chemistry of materials, including their reactivity, the methods of their characterization, interfacial electrochemistry, physical-chemistry, inorganic chemistry a focus on materials requiring specific approaches (polymers, hybrid materials, ceramics, etc.). The program trains students to be capable of taking on responsibilities in the field of material characterization and control in academic laboratories but also in industry. The training covers many industrial fields such as metallurgy, ceramics, microelectronics, nano-technologies, cement industry, glass, etc. The program provides training in research methods and approaches and instruct the student on major scientific advances, all experimental methods and industrial applications in the field of materials control and characterization. A large part of the teaching corresponds to laboratory periods from the first year of the Master’s degree to a final six-month internship (academic lab or industry).

Main research areas:

A successful graduate of the program will know :

Entry requirements

A degree equivalent to or higher than a Bachelor’s Degree (3 or 4 years) in Chemistry, Physics, Material Science. Courses waivers can be given depending on your former undergraduate program content.

Career paths

Academic or industrial R&D career in all the fields involving materials: Transportation (automo­tive, aeronautics, …), energy (production, transporta­tion, storage, …), glass industry, ce­ment & concrete, galenic, …

Positions such as: Researcher, research engineer, design engineer, university professor, lecturer, project manager, applied research engineer, laboratory engineer, production engineer, head of safety department, environmental engineer, safety engineer, head of control laboratory, quality control manager, quality consultant, method engineer, process engineer, method manager.


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Contact: Bruno DOMENICHINI,
