Innovation through Physics and Engineering

Advanced Mathematics

Master in Advanced Mathematics

The program « Master in Advanced Mathematics » is created to prepare graduate students for PhD studies. It is specialized in the domains of research of the five teams of the Laboratory of Mathematics of Besançon : functional analysisnumerical analysis and scientific computingpartial differential equationsprobability and statisticsnumber theory.

Master 1
Fall Semester
Master 1
Spring Semester

Complex Analysis
Advanced Differential Equations
Class Field Theory
Group Representation

3 among :
Advanced Algebra
Fourier Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Probability & Modeling
+ French courses
+ Research Project

Master 2
Fall Semester
Master 2
Spring Semester
2 mandatory courses : Students’ seminar, Professional project workshop.
Introduction to research : 1 mini-project, mandatory.
3 courses to choose from :
Algebra, general course (in French) ;
Analysis, general course (in French) ;
Stochastic modelling, general course (in French) ;
Functional analysis, fundamental course ;
Numerical analysis and scientific computing, fundamental course ;
Partial differential equations, fundamental course ;
Probability and statistics, fundamental course ;
Number theory, fundamental course.
The rule is at most 2 general courses and thus 1 to 3 fundamental ones.
1 Master thesis, in one of the 5 domains corresponding to fundamental courses.
1 course to choose from :
Functional analysis, specialized course ;
Numerical analysis and scientific computing, specialized course ;
Partial differential equations, specialized course ;
Probability and statistics, specialized course ;
Number theory, specialized course.
Exact contents of the specialized courses is adapted to the research projects of the students.

Main research areas:

2 research Laboratories :

Career paths

The program targets careers such as:

Entry requirements

Bachelor’s degree (3 or 4 years degree) of Science or its equivalent; background in mathematics. Courses waivers can be given depending on your former undergraduate program content. Candidates must have very good academic qualifications and a good practice of French and English.  


Many scholarships will be awarded each year to high quality foreign students.

Site of the training

Besançon is a historical town with a strong university community, and is consistently voted as having an excellent quality of life.  It is home to a UNESCO-World Heritage listed citadel and fortifications, and is well known for its proximity to an excellent range of outdoor pursuits including hiking, mountain-biking, skiing and rock-climbing.

The site of training is Besançon, a French old city that combines old stones buildings, French culture, various activities from sports to cultural, and students life.

Approximately 10% of the population are students or interns in Besançon city and in its agglomeration.

The center of applied languages (CLA) which is a part of the university is one of the most important center for learning languages in France and hosts approximately 4000 interns per year coming from various countries for some days or for several months.

Public transportation is very practical and the old-city is doable by walks.

Contact: Carlotta Donadello
