MICROFIB is a research project aiming at exploiting the partnership and recent developments between the DMA and AS2M departments of the FEMTO-ST Institute and the CEPIA division of INRA to develop micro-mechanical characterization tools based on plant fibers based on micro-mechatronic systems and field measurements at the microscopic scale. The targeted tests are the diametric compression of vegetable fibers and the peeling of fibers.
Regarding the diametric compression, the laboratory already has an original device that has demonstrated for the first time the feasibility of this type of test on natural fibers. Regarding the peel tests, design work was initiated this year via an EIPHI master project.
The purpose of the MICROFIB project is to continue investigating these technological developments and to use the devices to determine the properties of nettle fibers transformed within the framework of the Era-Net NETFIB project. More broadly, such characterization tools could eventually be used in other application areas where we have contacts and partners (characterization of synthetic fibers and biological materials).
This project is held by FEMTO-ST (V Placet vincent.placet@ubfc.fr) and is supported by the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region and the National Research Agency (ANR) :