DNA-Heritage is a research project which aims to develop dynamic and structural imaging tools, (High-Speed AFM, AFM combined with IR and Raman spectroscopies ) for conformational and structural analysis of DNA nucleoprotein complexes. This project is devoted to dynamic and chemical molecular imaging of biomolecules by near-field microscopies as part of multidisciplinary objectives:
· At the instrumentation level, the project aims first to develop no substrate for the analysis of the dynamic of nucleoprotein complexes involved in the genome maintenance. In a second step we aim to analyze the parameters involved in the assembly and remodeling of nucleoprotein complexes associated with early step in homologous recombination and non-homologous end-joining pathways.
· At the heritage level, the validation of instrumental and methodological developments should take the form of the study of parchments, the determination of the nature and quality of the parchments (heritage conservation), the identification of the animal species used for the production of documents , the appreciation of the various treatments undergone by these skins, the restitution of the genetic / biological data of the animal osteorestes and the comparison with the information delivered by the analysis of the parchments.
This project is held by ICB (O Piètrement olivier.pietrement@u-bourgogne.fr, E Lesniewska eric.lesniewska@ubfc.fr) and is supported by the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region, the National Research Agency (ANR) and the European Union:
One Post-Doc has been recruited for this project.