ULYSSE is a research project, which aims at the development of fuel cells and storage batteries. In fact, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is largely based on technological developments that will make it possible to implement the energy transition. Fuel cells and storage batteries are today very promising alternatives to carbon-based energy sources. Increasing their competitiveness on the economic market is today a priority issue. It should make it possible to respond very quickly to the large-scale use and recycling of electric power sources, both in the context of the expansion of the electric vehicle fleet and in that of stationary applications.
The objective of this project is to design complex multiphysics systems integrating hybrid electrochemical sources. It will deal in a coordinated manner at the same time improving their reliability, increasing their lifespan, their use in real conditions and in particular of temperature, their energy efficiency as well as the low-cost integration of monitoring strategies, control, diagnosis and prognosis.
This project is held by FEMTO-ST (D Depernet daniel.depernet@ubfc.fr and N. Zerhouni noureddine.zerhouni@ubfc.fr) and is supported by the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region and the National Research Agency (ANR):
One Ph.D student has been recruited for this project.
One Post-doc positions is open. To apply please contact directly by email Daniel Depernet and Noureddine Zerhouni.