Medium-infrared fiber optics is a very active research area motivated by a wide range of applications, including optical sensors and biomedical imaging. The SMILE project aims to develop two axes in this area.

  1. The first axe is to develop new multi-material optical fibers for endoscopy, combining infrared glasses and metal electrodes allowing the implementation of electro-optical functions using a single guide.
  2. The second axe aims at controlling and optimizing the nonlinear dynamics of light in passive fiber optic resonators in order to generate new optical frequency combs, tunable on a very wide spectral range.

This project is held by ICB (F. Smektala and B. Kibler, and is supported by the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region, the National Research Agency (ANR) and the European Union:

One Ph.D student has been recruited for this project.

One Post-Doc position is open for this project. To apply please contact directly by email Frédéric Smektala for the Post-Doc.