Medium-infrared fiber optics is a very active research area motivated by a wide range of applications, including optical sensors and biomedical imaging. The SMILE project aims to develop two axes in this area.
- The first axe is to develop new multi-material optical fibers for endoscopy, combining infrared glasses and metal electrodes allowing the implementation of electro-optical functions using a single guide.
- The second axe aims at controlling and optimizing the nonlinear dynamics of light in passive fiber optic resonators in order to generate new optical frequency combs, tunable on a very wide spectral range.
This project is held by ICB (F. Smektala frederic.smektala@ubfc.fr and B. Kibler bertrand.kibler@ubfc.fr), and is supported by the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region, the National Research Agency (ANR) and the European Union:
One Ph.D student has been recruited for this project.
One Post-Doc position is open for this project. To apply please contact directly by email Frédéric Smektala for the Post-Doc.