is a research project addressing several major scientific issues.
It is divided into three work packages (WP) representing three avenues of exploration for the miniaturization of integrated photonic and phononic components, ranging from elementary photonic components, while anticipating their future developments, to the most complex neural circuits.
In addition, by its multi-scale and multidisciplinary nature, this project brings together the skills of three departments (optics, micro nano sciences and systems (MN2S) and time frequency (TF)), and a technological platform (MIMENTO, FRILIGHT at FEMTO-ST).
- WP1: development and characterization of micro and nano integrated photonic and opto-acoustic components.
- WP2: study and manufacture of topological waveguides.
- WP3: development of photonic neural networks by 3D integration.
This project is held by FEMTO-ST (G Fanjoux gil.fanjoux@ubfc.fr), and is supported by the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region and the National Research Agency (ANR) :
One Post-Doc position is opened for this project. To apply please contact directly by email Gil Fanjoux.