The lipids of the must are little studied and yet play a role on the resistance of yeast to stress and on the production of aromas. Currently there are no tools to manage this setting. The objectives of this project are therefore to evaluate the lipid content of more than 200 musts to assess the impact of the environment and the technical route. The lipid requirements of yeasts will be determined to establish a deficiency index.
The impact of lipids on the control of fermentations will be determined as well as on the production of aromas to provide a tool for managing the aromatic profile of wines. At the same time, the role of sHSP in bacteria will be studied to elucidate one of the stress response mechanisms implemented by bacteria during malolactic fermentation. Thus, this project aims to better control the alcoholic and malolactic fermentations of wines and therefore the quality of products.
This project is held the Graduate School TRANSBIO as well as the LmB and is supported by the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region and the National Research Agency (ANR):