Based on the 30 or so molecules detected by the Rosetta space probe (ROSINA mass spectrometer) on comet 67P, the COSMIC project aims to model, within the framework of a thesis, the infrared spectrum of the most important species and thus allow their detection using IR instruments from the ground (e.g. VLT/CRIRES+), without sending a new space probe. The data produced will also be very important for future large telescopes and instruments (e.g. E-ELT, JWST, …).
The project involves a strong collaboration with spectroscopy experimenters. The modelled spectra will be integrated into new databases. Observations will be attempted with CRIRES+ for the detection of the studied species.
Long-term objectives: to improve the number of molecules that can be used to analyse the differences in composition between the different comets and to trace their origin.
This project is held by ICB and UTINAM (Vincent Boudon Vincent.Boudon@u-bourgogne.fr) and is supported by the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region and the National Research Agency (ANR):
One Ph.D position is opened for this project. To apply please contact the person listed in the job offer files above.