The MINELICO project proposes to develop microscopy techniques based on inelastic light scattering and apply them to the characterisation of functional materials and biological objects. We will combine measurements from an imaging spectroscopic ellipsometer, micro-Raman equipment and micro-Brillouin equipment. We will combine instrumental developments, physics, applied mathematics, materials science and biochemistry.
MINELICO will enable the optical and acoustic characterisation of new materials and structures: highly anisotropic natural crystals, piezoelectric and functional thin films, metamaterials and active nano-structures, biological objects and media. The contribution of mathematics concerns the optimisation of the experiments to be carried out in order to obtain a reliable and complete measurement. International academic partnerships will be established with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Taiwan Medical University.
This project is held by FEMTO-ST (Vincent Laude vincent.laude@femto-st.fr) and is supported by the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region and the National Research Agency (ANR):
One Ph.D position is opened for this project. To apply please contact the person listed in the job offer files above.