The REMICS project, involving the FEMTO-ST Time-Frequency and MN2S departments, aims to develop a microcell optical frequency reference, with stability performances at least 100 times better than current commercial atomic microclocks, for a modestly increased volume-consumption budget.
The aim is to develop a microcell optical frequency reference with stability performances at least 100 times better than those of current commercial atomic microclocks, for a modestly increased volume-consumption budget.
Two major lines of research will be investigated. The first axis will aim at demonstrating a high purity alkaline MEMS cell functionalized to ensure optimal addressing and optical transmission. The second will involve a detailed metrological study of the performance of a microcell stabilised laser.
This project is held by FEMTO-ST and is supported by the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region and the National Research Agency (ANR):
One Post-Doctorate positions is opened for this project. To apply please contact directly by email the person in the job file below :
Post-Doctorate Position will open in september 2022:
Microfabrication and of alkali vapor cells with optical functions