Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, Université de Bourgogne, France.
12 months.
March 2021 (position must be filled by May 2021)
Net Salary:
Financing Institutions:

The Photonics Department at ICB conducts fundamental and applied research in nonlinear
ultrafast optics, lasers, optical waveguides, nanophotonics and plasmonics. It has an important
experimental activity around novel coherent sources including mode-locked fiber lasers,
supercontinuum, and frequency combs.
The present proposal is a fundamental and experimental project combining nonlinear
propagation in multimode fibers and ultrafast laser dynamics.
It has long been thought that ultrashort optical pulses required single transverse mode
propagation in optical fibers and waveguides, owing to the expected impact of the large intermodal
dispersion. However, recent advances are building up a new paradigm, in which well-designed
nonlinear processes in multimode waveguides can favor a wide range of new spatiotemporal
dynamics with a high potential of applications, particularly within fiber lasers.
Project overview:
The postdoctoral fellow will investigate ultrafast fiber laser cavities architectures
that incorporate various multimode fibers. The focus will be on the generation and control of selforganized
spatiotemporal optical patterns and dissipative solitons. Advanced ultrafast
characterization schemes will be developed. The control of spatiotemporal laser dynamics through
artificial intelligence will also be considered.
Required competences:
The candidate will have a successful research experience in ultrafast fiber
laser and/or nonlinear optics including experimental setup design and ultrafast optical
characterization. Competence in numerical modeling is appreciated. Fluency in English (B2) is
To apply
To apply, send an e-mail to Philippe Grelu before February 5th, 2021, with the following:
- cover letter,
- a detailed CV with a list of publications.