Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, Université de Bourgogne, France.
from 12 to 24 months.
position must be filled by July 2021
Net Salary:
Financing Institutions:

Context & Work Description
The selected candidate will perform research in controlling and optimizing nonlinear dynamics in fiber resonators and lasers to generate broadband optical frequency combs in the near-infrared. This work will benefit from distinct optical workbenches developed at the Photonics department (PICASSO platform) for investigating the rich variety of optical frequency combs in fiber resonators. A large range of nonlinear phenomena have been already demonstrated such as Turing and Faraday instabilities, multiple four-wave mixings, cavity solitons, polarization domain walls, spatiotemporal chaos and rogue waves. The project also aims at combining Kerr combs and Brillouin fiber lasers to design original light sources based on very simple optical cavities.
In addition, the successful applicant will take part to various research activities related to nonlinear pulse propagation in optical fibers and its applications including generation of arbitrary waveforms, supercontinuum generation and mid-infrared spectroscopy.
We invite applications from candidates with a recent PhD degree in Physics / Photonics or Electrical Engineering and a strong experimental background in optics. Rigorous and motivated, candidates must have good skills in modeling and numerical simulations.
To apply
To apply, send an e-mail to Bertrand Kibler before March 15th, 2021, with the following:
- a letter motivating the application (cover letter),
- curriculum vitae,
- two reference letters,
- and MSc/PhD diploma.
Candidates may apply prior to obtaining their PhD degree, but cannot begin before having received it. The deadline for applications is 15 March 2021.